Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mystery Powder - Living or non-living?

Date: 26th January 2011

Activity: Each person is given 5 different mystery powders, and has to discern what they are, and whether they are living or non-living based on observation & experiment.

Characteristics of Living Things
- Grow
- Need oxygen, food & water
- Move independently
- Respond to changes in environment
- Reproduce
- Die

{note: What is the difference between reproduction and growing? Do things have to fulfil ALL the criteria to be considered living?}

Observations - Pre-experiment

Observations - During experiment

1 day later
Powder A - No visible change
Powder B - No visible change
Powder C - Increased in size
Powder D - Roots sprouted
Powder E - No visible change

2 days later
Powder A - No visible change
Powder B - No visible change
Powder C - No visible change
Powder D - Shoots sprouted
Powder E - No visible change

When placed in salt water for 24 hours:
Powder E - Hatches into brine shrimp (artemia)

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